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Hack: removing foam tape from wall

Ok, so I have been in the adhesive tape business for over 25 years, and I’m often asked how do you remove permanent foam tape from drywall or other surface.

Over the years I’ve discovered that an industrial strength d-limonene and coconut oil mix has worked the best. But I discovered a much less toxic, simple, and most importantly, effective way.

Well, when I say I discovered, I just discovered the video on Youtube. It sometimes takes someone not in the industry to come up with a better mouse trap. I know this works because I have foam tape all over one wall of my house, as I’m constantly comparing various foam tapes, and was able to remove the stuck-on foam tape with this method.

Simply tear-off a piece of carton sealing tape, the clear 2” packaging tape used to seal cardboard boxes, and rub that tape over the foam in short stokes. You will find that the foam will then start to roll up and will remove without damaging the wall or leaving a residue. See the video below for demonstration. Thanks Ed!